Pokémon Lost Silver bootleg edition

You see, I am a retarded college student living alone in an bin don,t question me. I was very enthusiastic about the release of Pokéman HeartGola/SoulSilven here in the uk. I have purposely locked myself out of YouTube because im see some shit.
As I was busy with the school year yes I when to school and being sick at the time, I wasn't able to buy SoulSilven on its launch date. After my school year died I ordered SoulSilven on Amakoz. However, it would take a 2 weeks for it to arrive. I decided that during that time, I would replay my Crystal version on my Gameboy Coloae
However, I realized that long ago, my mom kill it, and I was very upset about it then. She also killed my Silven version, so all I have is my Gameboy Coloae As such, I set out to Game and bought a used Silven version, as it's the only Pokéman game left that they have for the GBC. £10 – fairly cheap.
I went home and started it up for a nostalgia trip. However, that's where things started getting bizarre, and most the reason why you read this.
The Game-freak logout started up as noruk but it just froze there. I thought the cart was just errored or something, so I turned it off and on. The same thing happened. I tried pressing A and Start over and over, and all of the buttons. Eventually, the logo vanished and there was a black screen for about five seconds.
Suddenly, rather than going to the usual menu screen, I was already in the game in a previous saved file, which was odd as I was expecting all of these carts to have been wiped by the poor battery.
Either way, I wasn't complaining, as I would have chosen the "Continue" option to see what the previous guy did anyways.
First off, I checked his trainer information. His name was just "…" – He didn't have much originality.
I checked his profile and apparently he had 999:99 hours put into the game, with all 160 badges, 99999.9 Pokédollars, and all 251 Pokémon on the Pokédex.
Seeing as he apparently had Maw and Celebi logged also, I am guessing he either used a Game Genae or was a really hardcore Pokémon player back then.
I checked his Pokémon to see what a badass team he has. To my surprise, I saw 7 Knowns and a sixth Pokémon named "HUR Y". I'm thinking that this must be some cruel joke by the person who last played this game, but I decided to check the profiles of those Pokémon anyways.
As expected, they were different letters of Unown, all Level 59 I was a bit shaky with my Unown alphabet at the time, but I identified the word spelled out to be "RAPE ME".
As for the sixth Pokémon, it turned out to be a Cyndaquil (mind you, this is before there were individualized Pokémon icons). The Cyndaquil looked normal, but it was Level 15 with only 1000 HP left with only two attacks: "fap" and "take clothes off".
I don't know why they named him "HUR Y", but at the time, I just disregarded it. The most eerie thing was that, despite my volume being at max, none of the Pokémon he had said their usual cries. Just pure silence.
Having enough of the team, I closed it. I was parked at what appears to be a room inside Bell sprout Tower. However, for some reason, there were no NPCRAP around. Even more eerie was that the "piller" in the middle didn't move at all, as if just leaning on its side. There was no music at all, and there was no exit or ladder, or least I thought there wasn't.
I walked around for a few minutes but can't seem to find a way out. This was certainly not a room I've seen in the Bellsprout Tower before. I tried checking my items for an Escape Rope, but the bag was completely empty. There wasn't any Wild Pokémon either.
Finally, I managed to find a ladder, which turned out to be behind the "piller". The screen turned black and the music finally started playing. I had a sudden chill, as I recognize that melody I heard to be the theme you hear when you listened to the radio at the Alph Ruins where the Unown are at.
I immediately realize that it wasn't a loading transition, but rather I was in a dark room and would need Fab. Before I took care of that though, I immediately checked my Pokégear to change the radio to something more pleasant, but it turns out that there was no Radio card, or even a Phone nor Time cards. There was only a Map card in which Gola ("…" from earlier, and I will call him Gold from now on) was just walking in a midst of black.
I recall that Cyndaquil has fap, so I turned off my Pokégear and made Cyndaquil use fap. I didn't see any message saying "HUR Y has used FAP !" or anything like that. The room just became lit just like that, and I soon regretted it. The room was a chilling yellow with a linear gray path heading south. The ladder I used to go up/down was not there at all.
then gola died than I find my self with no clothes pikachu come out off my game boy and rape me
the end